Prof. Dr. Dirk Kerzel
Ehemaliger Visiting Fellow
Universität Genf

Ehemaliger Visiting Fellow
Universität Genf
Dirk Kerzel is Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. He obtained his Ph.D. at the LMU. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Giessen University before joining the psychology department in Geneva in 2004.
Kerzel’s research connects theories on visual search and visual working memory. Some of his recent studies have asked how the precision of multiple representations in visual working memory relates to multiple-target search. In another line of research, he examines some of the evidence for attentional suppression. In some cases, the experimental paradigms allow for alternative explanations, which does not necessarily call into question the existence of attentional suppression, but may call for greater care when interpreting or creating experiments on this topic.
He is a Visiting Fellow in July 2022 in the context of the CAS Research Group „Handling Visual Distraction" led by Prof. Dr. Hermann Müller.