16 Sep
17 Sep

The Evolution of Incompatibilities


16. September 2024 - 17. September 2024


Center for Advanced Studies Seestr. 13 80802 Munich

Workshop in the context of the CAS Research Focus “Speciation”.

Even Darwin could not find a satisfactory solution to the obvious paradox of why natural selection tolerates the development of highly disadvantageous traits, such as sterility and infertility. This “mystery of mysteries” is one of the most important and unanswered questions of biological research in the last 150 years. A new research approach suggests that certain molecular structures are probably responsible for the emergence of incompatibility between species and for the sterility or infertility of hybrids.

Participants include: Wolfgang Enard (LMU), Amanda Glaser-Schmitt (LMU), Chyiyin Gwee (LMU), Axel Imhof (LMU), Hua Jie (LMU), Janet Kelso (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology), Antonia Keßler (LMU), Richard Merrill (LMU), John Parsch (LMU), Felix Pförtner (LMU), Nitin Phadnis (CAS Fellow/University of Utah), Andrea Pozzi (LMU), Jackson Ridges (University of Utah), Hilde Schneemann (ISTA), Rhonda Snook (Stockholm), Jochen Wolf (LMU).


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