Referentin: Prof. Betsi Grabe, Ph.D.
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Mario Haim (LMU)
Neuro and cognitive scientists have built the case for visual primacy over other forms of communication and meaning making by documenting (1) specialized centers in the human brain dedicated to visual processing (2) the speed with which visuals are processed, (3) the efficiency with which visual stimuli are classified and stored in memory, and (4) the way the visual system engages both emotional and “thinking” centers in the brain. This talk will present a review of the power of visuals on the one hand and the difficulties of effectively employing them in climate messages.
- Betsi Grabe ist Professorin an der Media School der Indiana University Bloomington und derzeit Visiting Fellow am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung der LMU.
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