Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Sahana Udupa (CAS Research Group/LMU).
WhatsApp, an end-to-end encrypted, cross-platform messaging service owned by Meta, has emerged as a central communication tool for a vast number of people, with more than 2 billion users and 100 billion daily messages worldwide. Telegram, another messaging application, is estimated to have 950 million active users globally. At the same time, the vast reach and popularity of these platforms have ignited debates on their role in facilitating hateful, discriminatory, false, and illegal content. This workshop discusses the key challenges and opportunities related to encrypted messaging services.
Participants include the members of the CAS Research Group “Messaging Apps, Encryption and the Enticement of Extreme Speech”: Anmol Alphonso (BOOM Fact Check, India), Sérgio Barbosa (University of Coimbra), Cayley Clifford (Africa Check, South Africa), Kiran Garimella (Rutgers University), Elonnai Hickok (Global Network Initiative, Washington D.C.), Martin Riedl (The University of Tennessee), Erkan Saka (Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi), Herman Wasserman (Stellenbosch).
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