19 Feb
20 Feb

Products and the Contemporary History of Europe


19 February 2024 - 20 February 2024


Center for Advanced Studies Seestr. 13 80802 München

Workshop organized by Dr. Lisbeth Matzer (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)

Objects of consumption – products - are rather neglected or put on the sidelines in contemporary European history. This is surprising, especially since histories of certain (colonial) products like coffee, tea or wine already provide insights into these products’ global journeys, careers and into the political as well as cultural dimensions of their production and consumption. The workshop seeks to explore the potentials of a product-based approach to European contemporary histories. To this end, the workshop brings together scholars from history and related disciplines with a diverse expertise in contemporary Europe. Each participant will reflect upon a more general set of questions evolving around the overall theme in short statements, each followed by interdisciplinary discussions.

Participants include: Marion Demossier (Southampton), Piers Ludlow (LSE), Benjamin Möckel (Cologne), Andy Smith (Science Po Bordeaux) and Brigitte Leucht (Portsmouth).

Workshop Program (PDF, 311 KB)


Registration is required for participation. If you are interested in our event, please contact us: info@cas.lmu.de