04 Dec
06 Dec

The Ontogeny of Normativity


4 December 2024 - 6 December 2024


Center for Advanced Studies Seestr. 13 80802 Munich

Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus (CAS Research Group/LMU).

Humans live in a social world that is largely constituted by social norms that prescribe, for example, how to treat each other (moral norms), how to behave in different social contexts (conventional norms), and how to handle objects and tools (instrumental norms). Importantly, humans not only display regularity in their behavior, but also show an appreciation of the underlying norms.

Participants include the members of the CAS Research Group “The Ontogeny of Normativity”: Audun Dahl (Cornell), Kristen Dunfield (Concordia University Montréal), Shreejata Gupta (Université d’Aix-Marseille), Stuart Ian Hammond (University of Ottawa), Annette Henderson (University of Auckland), Richard Holton (Cambridge), Ladislav Koreň (Hradec Králové), Rae Langton (Cambridge), Annie Riggs (Western Washington University), Glenda Satne (Wollongong).


Participation by invitation only.