27 Feb
28 Feb

The Representation of Jews and Judaism in al-Andalus: Texts and Contexts


27 February 2024 - 28 February 2024


Center for Advanced Studies Seestr. 13 80802 München

Masterclass with Prof. Dr. Maribel Fierro.

The historical experience of the Jewish community in Muslim Iberia (al-Andalus) has often been called a “Golden Age”. Particularly 19th century European Jews found in it a precedent to legitimize their insertion into the wider society. The masterclass will examine how Jews and Judaism were represented by Andalusi Muslims, and the extent to which they considered the internal Jewish perspectives. Looking back at the texts in which Andalusi Muslims talked about Jews and the contexts in which such texts were written raises questions about how al-Andalus has been and is imagined and its relation to history, and what is gained and what is lost by privileging an “emotional” approach to al-Andalus.

Evening Lecture with Prof. Dr. Maribel Fierro on Tuesday, 27 February, 6.15 p.m.:
Al-Andalus in the Present: History and Emotions

  • Maribel Fierro ist Professorin am Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean (ILC) in Madrid und derzeit Visiting Fellow am CAS.


Registration is required for participation. If you are interested in our event, please contact us: info@cas.lmu.de