Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier

LMU Munich

Organizational Economics

Office address:


Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier

Florian Englmaier is Professor for Organizational Economics at LMU Munich. Core topics of his research lie in the field of Organizational Economics. He studies primarily agency problems within organizations, both from a theoretical and from an empirical perspective. Since 2019 he is spokesperson of the CAS Research Focus “Democracy in Crisis”. Since 2021 he is also Chairman of the Committee for Organizational Economics in the German Economic Association and sits on the Executive Board of the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE).

His most recent publications include: Size Matters: How Over-Investments Relax Liquidity Constraints in Relational Contracts (with M. Fahn), 2019, Economic Journal, Vol. 129(624), pp. 3092–3106; Organization Design and Firm Heterogeneity: Towards an Integrated Research Agenda for Strategy (with N. Foss, T. Knudsen, and T. Kretschmer), 2018, Organization Design (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 40), pp. 229–252; Electoral Cycles in Savings Bank Lending (with T. Stowasser), 2017, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 15(2), pp. 297–354

Florian Englmaier is Spokesperson of the CAS Research Group “Words to Numbers”.

Contributions to the CAS Blog

Florian Englmaier, „Phantasiebilder“ der Kausalität bei Max Weber. Eine Replik auf Karsten Fischers Beitrag, CAS LMU Blog, 29 January 2021,

Florian Englmaier, Nicola Lacetera, Words to Numbers, CAS LMU Blog, 15 July 2024,