Prof. George Tsai, Ph.D.
Previous Visiting Fellow
University of Hawaii

Previous Visiting Fellow
University of Hawaii
George Tsai is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawaii. He is also an affiliated member of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Hawaii. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Philosophy at the Australian National University (2013-2014), and Dissertation Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Richmond (2010-2011). He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley.
George Tsai‘s research interests are in moral and political philosophy, broadly understood to encompass contemporary and cross-cultural perspectives on these subjects, including areas such as moral psychology and Classical Chinese philosophy. He has written on rational persuasion, gratitude, blame, being supportive, paternalism, exploitation, global justice, and the state’s expressive powers, among other topics. His publications appeared in venues including Philosophy and Public Affairs, Journal of Political Philosophy, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Social Theory and Practice, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Philosophy East and West, and Journal of Chinese Philosophy.
George Tsai is member of the CAS Research Group "Relationships in Transition: Normative Challenges" of Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler.