Prof. Dr. Martin Binder
Previous Visiting Fellow
University of Reading
Politics and International Relations

Previous Visiting Fellow
University of Reading
Politics and International Relations
Martin Binder is Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading. Prior to joining Reading, he was senior researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) and a visiting scholar at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University.
His research interests center on international organizations and international security. He is currently working on projects that examine the authority and legitimacy of international organizations, the behavior of rising non-Western powers in international institutions, and the response speed of the United Nations to civil conflict.
Martin Binder‘s work appeared in International Studies Quarterly, International Theory, and the Journal of Peace Research, among others. His book "The United Nations and the Politics of Selective Humanitarian Intervention" was published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2017.
He a Visiting Fellow at CAS from October 2018 to March 2019 and is part of the CAS Research Group "Power Shifts and Institutional Change in International Institutions" of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Zangl.