Prof. Dr. Shoichi Toyabe
Previous Visiting Fellow
Tohoku University
Previous Visiting Fellow
Tohoku University
Shoichi Toyabe is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Physics at the Tohoku University.
He studied and completed his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Tokyo. In 2007 he started as assistant professor at the Chuo University before coming to LMU Munich for three years as a research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2014 he returned to Japan to the Tohoku University.
With the key concepts “machine“ and “information“ at the core of Shoichi Toyabe‘s work, he aims to explore complex life phenomena by physics and also to discover new physics behind rich life phenomena. In this context he develops innovative nanodevices based on biological phenomena and biomolecules.
He is a Visiting Fellow in September 2018 in the context of the CAS Research Group "Recreating the Origin of Life" following an invitation from Prof. Dr. Dieter Braun.