Prof. Dr. Uwe Sunde
Regular Member, Spokesperson of the CAS Research Focus “Prevention of Conflictˮ, Blog Author
LMU Munich
Population Economics
Regular Member, Spokesperson of the CAS Research Focus “Prevention of Conflictˮ, Blog Author
LMU Munich
Population Economics
Uwe Sunde is Professor for Population Economics at LMU Munich. His research interests cover various aspects of population economics, including long-run growth and development, demographic economics, political economy, and behavioral economics. He is Research Fellow at CESifo, Munich, DIW, Berlin, and regular member of the Academia Europaea. Since 2019 he is spokesperson of the CAS Research Focus Democracy in Crisis.
His most recent publications include Life Cycle Patterns of Cognitive Performance Over the Long Run (joint with Anthony Strittmatter and Dainis Zegners), 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(44), 27255–27261; Individual Life Horizon Influences Attitudes Toward Democracy (joint with Marie Lechler), 2019, American Political Science Review, 113(3), 860-867; and Long-Term Exposure to Malaria and Violence in Africa (joint with Matteo Cervellati, Elena Esposito, and Simona Valmori), 2018 Economic Policy, 33(3), 403–446, 2018.
Max Webers „Plebiszitäre Führerdemokratie“. Gedanken zu Karsten Fischers Beitrag 29. January 2021