Jan Kuck, The golden age is over, Greta! (Old Masters New Edition after Jean-Honoré Fragonard 2019) (Art at CAS, Winter 2020/21)

Planetary Health

The Planetary Health Puzzle – Piecing Together a Sustainable Future

The increasing consumption of resources, advancing environmental pollution and a dramatic loss of biodiversity pose immense challenges for our society. How do these changes affect the health of humans, animals and nature? What impact do they have on mental health, social justice and food security? And how do these effects influence developments in society as a whole and political decisions? These questions are highly relevant and require inter- and transdisciplinary research in order to find answers and solutions and to support transformative change in societies.

The cross-faculty CAS Research Focus “Planetary Health” will address these questions and reflect on solution models. Collaboration between the various disciplines will enable a holistic and transdisciplinary approach to be taken, allowing a comprehensive view and identifying strategies for transformative change.


Dr. Michaela Coenen

LMU Munich

Public Health

Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig

LMU Munich

Geographie; Physische Geographie und komplexe Umweltsysteme

Prof. Dr. Katja Radon

LMU Munich

Medizin; Arbeits- und Umweltepidemiologie

Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann

LMU Munich

Communication Science and Media Research

Working Group

  • Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg (Quantitative Social Research)
  • Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr (Ethnology)
  • Dr. Luiz André Dos S. Gomes (Pedagogy)
  • Dr. Bernhard Goodwin (Communication Science and Media Research)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael John Gorman (Biology, LMU / BIOTOPIA – Naturkundemuseum Bayern)
  • Prof. Dr. Annika Guse (Biology)
  • Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold (Law)
  • Lijuan Klassen (History, RCC LMU)
  • Angelina Krupp (Psychology)
  • Prof. Dr. Christof Mauch (History)
  • Prof. Gregg Mittman, PhD (History, RCC LMU / University of Wisconsin)
  • Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz (Geography)
  • Prof. Dr. Eva Rehfuess (Public Health und Versorgungsforschung)
  • Dr. Emmanuelle Roth (Anthropology, RCC LMU)
  • Dr. Julia Serong (Communication Science and Media Research)
  • Prof. Dr. Jelena Spanjol (Business Administration)
  • Dr. Laura Wengenroth (Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology)

Visiting Fellows

Prof. Dr. Libertad Chávez Rodríguez

Visiting Fellow, CAS Research Focus “Planetary Health”

Social Anthropology

Lecture Series "Extreme Heat. The Planetary Future"

Further Events

Jan Kuck: The golden age is over, Greta!

The golden age is over, Greta! (2019) was part of the exhibition Burn Baby Burn...The Power of Burning Thoughts, which the artist Jan Kuck showed at CAS in the winter semester 2020/21.

Jan Kuck, The golden age is over, Greta! (Old Masters New Edition after Jean-Honoré Fragonard 2019) (Art at CAS, Winter 2020/21)
© Jan Kuck

Video Recordings