Writing Prose

The term "prose" is probably the only example of a rhetorical terminus advancing to become a central metaphor of the modern era.

Since the 18th century, this word has had an irreducible double meaning: on the one hand, it refers to a (written) mode of linguistic expression which, in contrast to verse, is not metrically bound, while on the other hand denoting a form of thought, a dimension of life, indeed a structure of the world which finds its appropriate form of linguistic representation in this untethered mode of expression. In the modern use of the term prose, language and the world are thus closely connected. This connection will be investigated in the course of the CAS Research Focus according to three central themes:

  • Cohesion forms of prose;
  • Objectivity as a prose style;
  • Prosaic realities.


  • Prof. Dr. Inka Mülder-Bach
    (Chair of Modern German Literature, LMU)

Research Focus Group

  • Prof. Dr. Annegret Heitmann
    (Institute of Nordic Studies, LMU)
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Lüdemann
    (Chair of Modern German Literature, LMU)
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Kersten
    (Chair of Public and Administration Law, LMU)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Zimmermann
    (Chair of Ancient History, LMU)

Visiting Fellows

Prof. Paul Fleming, Ph.D.

Previous Visiting Fellow

Prof. Karin L. Sanders

Previous Visiting Fellow

Dr. PD Fabian Steinhauer

Previous Visiting Fellow


  • Conference – "Sachlichkeit und Objektivität als Prosastil"
    (Winter Semester 2016/17)
  • Conference – "Prosaische Wirklichkeiten"
    (Summer Semester 2017)
  • Conference – "Bindeformen der Prosa"
    (Winter Semester 2017/18)

Lecture of Christoph Möllers in the Press and Video Recording

  • "Hallo, liebe Leute, hier spricht euer Gesetz!" - Commentrary about the evening lecture of Prof. Christoph Möllers as part of the CAS Research Focus "Writing Prose", in der Süddeutsche Zeitung on 28 January 2017

5 Dec 2024