Prof. Aija E. Leiponen, Ph.D.
Ehemaliger Visiting Fellow
Cornell University
Strategy and Business Economics
Ehemaliger Visiting Fellow
Cornell University
Strategy and Business Economics
Aija Leiponen is Professor at the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. She currently is Visiting Professor at Aalto University (Finland) and was teaching at the Imperial College London Business School until 2016. Her research focuses on the organizational strategies in innovation, particularly cooperation between organizations. She studied the organization of innovation through inter-organizational contracts, organizational structures at the firm level, and inter-organizational networks of repeated collaborative innovation, particularly in digital industries. Her recent work examines the interaction between conflict and cooperation in wireless telecommunication standard development and the nature and implications of markets for (big) data.
Aija Leiponen‘s research has been published in leading management and applied economics journals such as Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, and International Journal for Industrial Organization.
Aija Leiponen is a member of the CAS Research Group "Platforms as Organizational Forms" of Prof. Dr. Tobias Kretschmer.