Prof. Anil R. Doshi, Ph.D.
Ehemaliger Visiting Fellow
UCL School of Management of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Ehemaliger Visiting Fellow
UCL School of Management of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Anil Doshi is Assistant Professor at the UCL School of Management of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. His research revolves around digital platforms and how digitization affects organizations. His recent work concerns the production and identification of fake news and the way activities on social media platforms relate to organizational performance. He received his doctorate from Harvard University and his A.B. from Dartmouth College.
Anil Doshi’s articles have been published on the SSRN platform. Furthermore, one of his main contributions is (together with Glen W.S. Dowell and Michael W. Toffel) ‘How Firms Respond to Mandatory Information Disclosure’, in Strategic Management Journal 34 (2013), 1209–1231.
Anil Doshi is a member of the CAS Research Group "Platforms as Organizational Forms" of Prof. Dr. Tobias Kretschmer.