02 Dez

Lunch Talk: Machine Learning Based Time-to-Event Analysis


12:15 Uhr

2. Dezember 2024


Seestraße 13 80802 München

Sprecher: Dr. Andreas Bender (Statistik, LMU)
Respondent: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel (School of Management, LMU)

In many applications the time until an event of interest occurs is an important endpoint. Due to the way such data is collected, however, the outcome of interest can often be observed only partially. Time-to-event analysis (also known as survival analysis) provides techniques to deal with such data. In this talk, we will discuss use-cases, particularly from the medical domain, and how machine learning methods are used in this context.

Andreas Bender ist im Wintersemester 2024/25 Researcher in Residence am CAS.

Das Forschungskolloquium am CAS richtet sich vorrangig an Universitätsangehörige.


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