Dr. Mathias Twardawski
Junior Researcher in Residence Winter Semester 2024/25
LMU Munich
Social Psychology

Junior Researcher in Residence Winter Semester 2024/25
LMU Munich
Social Psychology
Mathias Twardawski is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Psychology at LMU Munich. After completing his psychology studies at the universities of Koblenz-Landau, Mannheim, and Jyväskylä (Finland), he earned his PhD at the graduate school “UpGrade” at the University of Koblenz-Landau, focusing on the management of misconduct in school contexts. In recent years, he has broadened his research to explore norm violations in various settings. This includes examining these situations from multiple perspectives, such as those of victims and perpetrators. His research interests also encompass educational decision-making, social inequality, and meta-sciences.
Mathias Twardawski’s research addresses, among other things, the question of why people respond to (interpersonal) misconduct with punishment. This question is studied not only in psychology but also in various other disciplines, including economics and anthropology. This interdisciplinary literature often suffers from language barriers, hindering the integration of research findings. As a Junior Researcher in Residence at the Center for Advanced Studies, he will conduct a project aimed at overcoming these language barriers and facilitating the integration of diverse research studies.
Dr. Mathias Twardawski (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Manfred Schmitt (RPTU)