Oliver Primavesi: Editing Metaphysics
Greek Philology | Academic Year 2017/18
Greek Philology | Academic Year 2017/18
Oliver Primavesi is working together with a group of international Aristotle specialists on a new edition of Aristotle's Metaphysics. The aim of the group is to complete the preliminary work for the critical new edition of all 14 books of Metaphysics which will be published by Oxford University Press. The CAS Research Group program will enable the two editors, Oliver Primavesi and Marwan Rashed, to work in common for a period of one year on the history of the transmission and on the apparatus criticus.
Alongside Plato, Aristotle of Stagiros is the most significant and most studied philosopher of antiquity in the modern world. In light of this fact, the current state of editions of the Greek text, especially of some major works, is quite unsatisfactory. The planned new edition will differ from the previous standard editions of the Metaphysics in two fundamental respects: firstly by being based on a complete collation of all independent Greek manuscripts and on a systematic scrutiny of the indirect tradition in Greek, Arabic, and Latin, and secondly by being accompanied by a critical commentary which will expound the arguments for all major text-critical decisions, which will be published in a separate volume.
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