Complex Views and New Clues of the Universe

Astrophysik | Akademisches Jahr 2022/23

Our Cosmic Home, which is the local volume of the Universe centered around us, contains very prominently visible structures, extending over almost one billion light-years. Such structures, ranging from the Local Group over the Local Void and the most prominent galaxy clusters like Virgo, Perseus, Coma and many more, represent a formidable site where extremely detailed observations exist. Therefore, cosmological simulations of the formation of galaxies and galaxy clusters within the Local Universe, rather than any other, randomly selected part of the cosmic web, are perfect tools to test our formation and evolution theories of galaxies and galaxy clusters down to the details. However, at these detailed level, such simulations are facing various challenges, from the computational point as well as from the treatment of various physical processes needed in order to capture the evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters properly.


Prof. Dr. Klaus Dolag

LMU München



Die Research Group "Complex Views and New Clues of the Universe" bringt Wissenschafter:innen aus acht verschiedenen Ländern nach München.

Nabila Aghanim, Ph.D.

Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale


Yohan Dubois, Ph.D.

Institute of Astrophysics, Sorbonne Université / CNRS

Mathematische Modelle

Dr. Stefan Gottlöber

Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam


Prof. Yehuda Hoffman, Ph.D.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Gabriel Jung, Ph.D.

Universität Padua

Physik, Astronomie

Dr. Noam Libeskind

Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam

Kosmographie und großräumige Strukturen

Sean McGee, Ph.D.

Universität Birmingham


Cecilia Scannapieco und Sebastian Nuza
Sebastián E. Nuza, Ph.D.

Universität Buenos Aires

Astronomie und Weltraumforschung

Prof. Dr. Alexander Knebe

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid


Cecilia Scannapieco, Ph.D.

Universität Buenos Aires

Kosmologie und Gravitation

Jenny Sorce, Ph.D.

Université de Lille


Prof. Gustavo Yepes, Ph.D.

Autonome Universität Madrid

Kosmologische numerische Simulationen
