Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
Der Schwerpunkt widmet sich einer Gattung von Therapeutika, die in den kommenden Jahren eine immer wichtigere Rolle in der Arzneimittelentwicklung einnehmen und die Medizin grundlegend verändern werden.
The Corona pandemic has initiated a new phase in the field of vaccine development with the generation of RNA-based vaccines. But not only there: therapeutics developed on the basis of nucleic acids will play an increasingly important role in drug development or therapy in the coming years and change medicine. For untreatable or poorly treatable diseases, the new class of substances will show breakthrough treatment successes.
The CAS Research Focus brings together researchers to discuss the current state of development in the different research branches of nucleic acid-based therapeutics, as well as potential alternatives, and to explore new approaches.

Ordentliches Mitglied, Sprecher des CAS-Schwerpunktes „Nucleic Acid Therapeutics“
Organische Chemie

Ordentliches Mitglied, Sprecherin des CAS-Schwerpunktes „Nucleic Acid Therapeutics“
Pharmazie, Drug Delivery
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Engelhardt (Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, TUM)
- Dr. Pascal Giehr (Chemical Epigenetics)
- Prof. Dr. Veit Hornung (Angeborene Immunologie)
- Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kobold (CAS Young Center / Klinische Pharmakologie)
- Prof. Andreas Ladurner (Physiological Chemistry)
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Rädler (Softmatter Group)
- Dr. Sabine Schneider (CAS Young Center / Chemie)
- Prof. Dr. Ernst Wagner (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
Fellow des Schwerpunktes

Visiting Fellow, CAS Schwerpunkt „Nucleic Acid Therapeutics“
Pharmazie und Chemie
12 NovPrecision Gene Silencing in the Central Nervous System
Prof. Peter M. Tessier, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/University of Michigan) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
25 JulNew Frontier in Chemical Biology
Symposium of the SFB1309, the C-NATM Cluster and the CAS Research Focus “Nucleic Acid Therapeutics”.
25 JulUniversal Catalysts for Our World
Referent: Prof. Dr. Benjamin List (MPI für Kohlenforschung)
10 AprFrom Viruses to Vaccines: Nanopore Studies on Chemically Modified RNA
Referentin: Prof. Cynthia J. Burrows, Ph.D. (University of Utah) | Moderation: Dr. Pascal Giehr (LMU)
23 JanDeveloping mRNA Based Therapeutics
Referent: Dr. Patrick Baumhof (CureVac, Tübingen) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
30 NovGene Silencing in HSPCs with an Apolipoprotein A1-Based Nanodelivery Platform
Referent: Prof. Roy van der Meel, Ph.D. (Eindhoven University of Technology) | Moderation: Dr. Sabine Schneider (LMU)
19 JulLiving in the World of RNA Therapeutics
Referent: Dr. Muthiah Manoharan (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
19 JanOn the Development of Personalized Cancer Vaccines Based on HLA Ligandome Analysis
Referent: Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Rammensee (Tübingen) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kobold (LMU)
24 JunNew RNA Therapeutics
Workshop unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (CAS Young Center/LMU) und Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell (LMU).