Events at CAS
CAS events provide a central forum for the discussion of current research issues while also offering the academically interested public an opportunity to participate in these debates.
10 FebLunch Talk: Why People Punish: A Theoretical Framework
Dr. Mathias Twardawski (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Manfred Schmitt (RPTU)
13 FebScience Slam: Rätsel der Fortpflanzung
Speaker: Prof. Nitin Phadnis, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/University of Utah) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Axel Imhof (LMU)
20 FebBayesian Methods in Practice
Workshop organized by Dr. Andreas Döpp (CAS Young Center/LMU).
11 MarMaßnehmen, skalieren, bewerten. Begriffliche Fundamente einer Methode
Workshop of the CAS Research Focus “Scales/Maßstäbe”.
02 Apr—04 AprThe Encryption Debate: Disinformation and Extreme Speech on WhatsApp, Telegram and Global Messaging Apps
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Sahana Udupa (CAS Research Group/LMU).