
The subject of empathy is now receiving more attention than ever before. There are currently calls in many areas of society to make empathy a fundamental element of all political and interpersonal actions.


The subject of empathy is now receiving more attention than ever before. There are currently calls in many areas of society to make empathy a fundamental element of all political and interpersonal actions. Social scientists consider empathy to be an important social resource in a world characterized by the challenges of globalization, increasing individualization and an endangered ecosystem. Economists such as Jeremy Rifkin (2009) have suggested replacing the US myth of the ‘American Dream’ with the new self-image of an ‘empathetic civilization’.

In its first period (ummer 2021 to winter 2022/23), the CAS Research Focus aimed to provide a sharper humanistic definition of the term empathy and at the same time to focus more specifically on the practices of empathy, for example in theatre. While empathy is currently being discussed in philosophical circles, particularly in the areas of comprehension as well as moral philosophy and ethics, it is also becoming increasingly relevant from both a theoretical and practical perspective in artistic and literary studies on the levels of production, representation and reception. Art and literature are in a position not only to evoke and shape practices of empathy, but also to reflect and critically examine them.

Since summer semester 2023 the working group as well as the perspectives is extended. Psychology (Thomas Ehring, Mario Gollwitzer, Markus Paulus) and economics (Simeon Schudy) are being added to the humanities (Monika Betzler, Claudia Olk, Ulf Otto, Susanne Reichlin).


Prof. Dr. Claudia Olk

LMU Munich

Spokesperson of the CAS Research Focus “Empathy”

English Literature

Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus

LMU Munich

Spokesperson of the CAS Research Group “The Ontogeny of Normativity”

Psychology and Educational Psychology

Working Group

Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler

LMU Munich

Spokesperson CAS Research Groups


Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehring

Psychology, LMU

Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer

Psychology, LMU

Social Psychology

Prof. Dr. Erasmus Mayr

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg


Prof. Dr. Ulf Otto

LMU Munich

Theatre Studies

Prof. Dr. Susanne Reichlin

LMU Munich

Medieval Literature

Prof. Dr. Simeon Schudy

Economics, LMU

Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Political Economy, Organizational Economics

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Zorn

University of Frankfurt

Blog Author


Visiting Fellows

Prof. Richard Holton, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge

Visiting Fellow, CAS Research Group “The Ontogeny of Normativity”


Prof. Dr. Niklaus Largier

University of Berkeley

Previous Visiting Fellow

German Literature

Prof. Rae Langton, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge

Visiting Fellow, CAS Research Group “The Ontogeny of Normativity”


Dr. Hannah Read

Duke University

Visiting Fellow, Blog Author


Prof. Dr. Karsten Stueber

College of the Holy Cross

Visiting Fellow


Prof. Dr. Natan Sznaider

Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo

Visiting Fellow


Lecture Series "Arts and Skills of Empathy"

Further Events

  • Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert und Prof. Thomas Kohut, Ph.D. – "The History of Empathy Revisited"
    (Sommersemester 2021)
  • Vortragsreihe Wintersemester 2021/22 – "Arts and Skills of Empathy"
  • Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Matthew Reason, Ph.D. und Kirsty Sedgman, Ph.D. – "Audiencing and Empathy"
    (Sommersemester 2022)
  • Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Niklaus Largier – "Mit Auerbach Lesen"
    (Sommersemester 2022)
  • Vortrag von Prof. Natan Sznaider, Ph.D. – "Mitgefühl und die Politik des Nie Wieder. Ist politisches Leid vergleichbar?"
    (Sommersemester 2022)
  • Workshop "The Philosophy of Empathy: Recent Trends and New Developments"
    (Sommersemester 2022)
  • Vortrag von Prof. Priscilla Layne, Ph.D. und Prof. Katrin Sieg, Ph.D. | Moderation: Dr. Grit Köppen (UdK Berlin) – "Decolonizing “Einfühlung”? Negotiations of Empathy in Contemporary German Drama" (Wintersemester 2022/23)
  • Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Daniel Haun, PD Dr. Claudia Sassenrath – Social Skills of Empathy (Sommersemester 2023)
  • Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Claudia Olk (LMU) – Literatur als Schule der Empathie – Shakespeares Othello (Wintersemester 2023/24)

All Videos of the Lecture Series "Arts and Skills of Empathy"