All Events since 2022
Find the CAS events since winter 2022/23 and all CAS lecture series
15 OctThe Planetary Health Puzzle – Piecing Together a Sustainable Future
Workshop on the topics of health, biodiversity and climate protection.
16 OctArt at CAS: Vernissage Henri Matisse – Jazz
Introduction: Dr. Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy (Kaldewei Kulturstiftung), Prof. Dr. Carlos Spoerhase (LMU)
21 Oct—22 OctTools for Transnational Neuropsychiatric Research
Closing-Event of Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris’ and Prof. Dr. Johannes Levin’s (LMU) CAS Research Group
22 OctLunch Talk: Die eigentlich katholische Verschärfung? Zu neueren Diskursen über Politik und Religion in den Vereinigten Staaten
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jan-Werner Müller (CAS Fellow/Princeton) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Karsten Fischer (LMU)
23 OctPlanetary Causal Inference: Understanding Society and Economy through Earth Observation
Speaker: Prof. Connor T. Jerzak, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/Austin/IHME) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Daniel Wilhelm (LMU)
24 Oct—30 JanLecture Series, Winter Semester 2024/25 – “Extreme Heat. The Planetary Future”
The lecture series is part of the CAS Research Focus “Planetary Health” and addresses the topic of global warming from an interdisciplinary perspective.
24 OctÜberhitzt: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Menschen
Karsten Friedrich (DWD), Prof. Dr. Annette Peters (LMU/Helmholtz) | Moderation: Dr. Christina Berndt (SZ)
07 Nov—08 NovBiomarkers in Stroke
Workshop organized by Dr. Dr. Steffen Tiedt (CAS Young Center/LMU), Prof. Dr. Mira Katan (Basel), Prof. Dr. Peter Kelly (UC Dublin) and Prof. Dr. John McCabe (Dublin).
11 NovGleichheit versus Ungleichheit in einer pluralen Gesellschaft
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann (Göttingen), Prof. Dr. John Rauthmann (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky (LMU)
12 NovPrecision Gene Silencing in the Central Nervous System
Prof. Peter M. Tessier, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/University of Michigan) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
18 Nov—19 NovThe New Twenties: Zur Medienkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts
Oliver Jahraus` CAS Research Group revisited: Conference led by Dr. Margit Dirscherl, Prof. Dr. Tanja Prokić and Rabea Conrad (LMU).
25 NovMigrationsbiographien in der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Anatol Dutta (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Matteo Fornasier (Bochum).
26 NovThe Sociology of World Literature: Geographic, Temporal and Methodological Scales
Prof. Gisèle Sapiro, Ph.D. (EHESS Paris/CNRS) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Carlos Spoerhase (LMU)
27 Nov—28 NovNavigating the Landscape of Scientific Integrity in the Field of Medicine
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Anne-Laure Boulesteix and Dr. Sabine Hoffmann (LMU).
02 DecLunch Talk: Machine Learning Based Time-to-Event Analysis
Dr. Andreas Bender (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel (LMU)
02 DecThe Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Snapdragons
Prof. Nicholas Barton, Ph.D. (ISTA) | Chair: Prof. Richard Merrill, Ph.D. (CAS Young Center/LMU)
03 DecCounter the Heat: The Protection of Water Systems
Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen (LMU), Prof. Dr. Martin Grambow (BayStMUV) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig (LMU)
04 Dec—06 DecThe Ontogeny of Normativity
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Markus Paulus (CAS Research Group/LMU).
12 DecEscaping the Heat: Global Scenarios of Migration and Inequality
Prof. Dr. Libertad Chávez Rodríguez (CAS Fellow/CIESAS, Mexico), Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp (Kiel) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr (LMU)
14 JanLunch Talk: Equal Citizenship and Global Inequality: Is Reconciliation Possible?
Daniel Sharp, Ph.D. (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler (LMU)
20 JanWas ist normal? Die Diversitätsmedizin auf der Suche nach adäquaten Referenzwerten
Prof. Dr. Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal (Bochum) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Susanna Hofmann (LMU)
22 JanPolicy Directions to Address Global Challenges of Encrypted Messaging and Extreme Speech
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Sahana Udupa (CAS Research Group/LMU).
28 JanLunch Talk: Sozialer Protest in Polen und der Ukraine in den 1980er Jahren und das Ende der Sowjetunion
Dr. Franziska Davies (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Dr. Botakoz Kassymbekova (CAS Fellow, Basel)
30 JanHeat Protection: Government Measures and Communication Strategies
Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs (TUM), Prof. Dr. Philipp Sprengholz (Bamberg) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann (LMU)
03 Feb—04 FebCitizenship and Global Inequality
Workshop organized by Daniel Sharp, Ph.D. (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
05 FebJazz und Politik. Zum Entstehungskontext des Künstlerbuches von Matisse
Panel discussion with Dr. Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy (Kaldewei Kulturstiftung), Dr. Susanne A. Kudielka (Basel) and Prof. Dr. Carlos Spoerhase (LMU).
10 FebLunch Talk: Why People Punish: A Theoretical Framework
Dr. Mathias Twardawski (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Manfred Schmitt (RPTU)
13 FebScience Slam: Rätsel der Fortpflanzung
Speaker: Prof. Nitin Phadnis, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/University of Utah) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Axel Imhof (LMU)
20 FebBayesian Methods in Practice
Workshop organized by Dr. Andreas Döpp (CAS Young Center/LMU).
11 MarMaßnehmen, skalieren, bewerten. Begriffliche Fundamente einer Methode
Workshop of the CAS Research Focus “Scales/Maßstäbe”.
02 Apr—04 OctThe Encryption Debate: Disinformation and Extreme Speech on WhatsApp, Telegram and Global Messaging Apps
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Sahana Udupa (CAS Research Group/LMU).
10 Oct—11 OctThe Forms of Academic Work: Practices, Taxonomies, Perspectives
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Pierre-Héli Monot (CAS Young Center/LMU) and PD Dr. Tim Lanzendörfer (Frankfurt a. M.).
09 Oct
07 OctSetting Up a Diversity Lab
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Kern (LMU).
16 Sep—17 SepThe Evolution of Incompatibilities
Workshop in the context of the CAS Research Focus “Speciation”.
12 Sep—13 SepVergangenheiten vermessen. Skalierung in den historischen Kulturwissenschaften
Workshop led by Dr. Sina Steglich (LMU).
25 JulUniversal Catalysts for Our World
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Benjamin List (MPI für Kohlenforschung)
25 JulNew Frontier in Chemical Biology
Symposium of the SFB1309, the C-NATM Cluster and the CAS Research Focus “Nucleic Acid Therapeutics”.
23 Jul—24 JulThe Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology in Psychotherapy Research: Challenges and Potentials
Workshop led by Dr. Johannes Kopf-Beck (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
11 Jul—12 JulIs the Legal Architecture of Europe’s Institutions Apt for the Climate Change Mitigation Task?
Conference organized by Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Veil (CAS Research Group/LMU).
08 JulCAS Showcase: Photosynthesis: Know, Grow and Glow
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dario Leister (LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Neuhaus (Kaiserslautern)
02 JulPractical Representations and Abilities
Workshop led by Dr. Vanessa Carr (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
01 JulLunch Talk: The United States and the Forever Dream of Missile Defense
Speaker: Prof. Sanne Cornelia J. Verschuren, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/Boston University) | Chair: PD Dr. Moritz Weiss (LMU)
28 JunVictimhood Narratives in Conflicts: Understanding How Victimhood Shapes Understandings of Ourselves and Society
Workshop organized by Mario Gollwitzer and Marlene Voit (LMU) and Emily Kubin (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, RPTU)
26 JunBowing Before Dual Gods: Hybrid Organizing to Tackle Complex Global Challenges
Speaker: Prof. Marya Besharov, Ph.D. (Oxford) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüşay (LMU)
25 JunTools for Transnational Neuropsychiatric Research
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris and Prof. Dr. Johannes Levin (CAS Research Group/LMU).
18 JunLunch Talk: “A Common Treasury for All”: Radical Community in the Early Modern Age
Speaker: Dr. Cord-Christian Casper (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Isabel Karremann (Zurich)
17 JunLunch Talk: Late Babylonian Scholarship's Debt to Assyria: The Bottleneck Hypothesis Reconsidered.
Speaker: Dr. Mary Frazer (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Eleanor Robson (UC London)
14 JunThe Fine Tuned Universe. A New Cosmology?
Auftaktveranstaltung des CAS-Schwerpunktes „New Cosmology”.
13 JunHistorical Groundings, Societal Influences and Cultural Change: Music and Multiculturalism in a Global Society
Speakers: Prof. Patricia Shehan Campbell, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/University of Washington, Seattle), Prof. Dr. Irmgard Merkt (TU Dortmund) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kertz-Welzel (LMU)
12 JunWie wirkt Differenz? Psychologische Prozesse im Umgang mit Andersartigkeit
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer (Chemnitz) | Chair: Dr. Julia Schreiner (CAS LMU)
10 JunLunch Talk: Climate Change, Conflict, and Cooperation
Speaker: Prof. Vally Koubi, Ph.D. (ETH / Bern) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs, Ph.D. (TUM)
07 JunGenomic Conflicts and the Origins of Species
Speaker: Prof. Nitin Phadnis, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/University of Utah) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Axel Imhof (LMU)
27 May—05 AugFellow Talk Series “Tools for Transnational Neuropsychiatric Research“
Fellow Talk Series of the CAS Research Group led by Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris (LMU) and Prof. Dr. Johannes Levin (LMU).
27 MayLunch Talk: The European Central Bank in Charge of Climate Change? Implications for Accountability
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Seraina Grünewald (CAS Research Group/St. Gallen) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Veil (CAS Research Group/LMU)
22 May—23 MayUn/Common: Forms of the Commons in Literature and Culture
Workshop led by Dr. Cord-Christian Casper (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU).
16 MayHuman Digital Twins: The Virtual Future of Medicine
Speakers: Prof. Peter Coveney, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/UCL/UvA) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller (LMU)
15 MayCollisions. The Origins of the War in Ukraine and the New Global Instability
Panel discussion with Prof. Michael Kimmage, Ph.D. (Washington), Prof. Dr. Yvonne Kleinmann (Halle/Munich) and Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel (LMU)
13 MayLunch Talk: The Use of Idiographic Network Approaches for Psychotherapy Allocation
Speaker: Dr. Johannes Kopf-Beck (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Julian Rubel (Osnabrück)
08 MayLunch Talk: Why Posit Practical Representations?
Speaker: Dr. Vanessa Carr (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Ophelia Deroy (LMU)
08 MayData-Driven Simulations to Assess the Impact of Study Imperfections in Time-to-Event Analyses
Speaker: Prof. Michal Abrahamowicz, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/ McGill University Health Center) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Anne-Laure Boulesteix (LMU)
30 AprOnline Talk “I Just Don’t Know Who to Believe Anymore”: Institutional Cynicism and the Climate Crisis
Speaker: Prof. Debra J. Davidson, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/Alberta) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Henrike Rau (LMU)
29 AprMarketplace „Planetary Health“
Kick-Off-Workshop des CAS-Schwerpunktes „Planetary Health“
26 AprDer Blaue Reiter. Haupt- und Nebenwege
Workshop led by Dr. Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy (Franz Marc Museum)
22 Apr—26 JunLecture Series, Summer Semester 2024 – “Talking about Dis/Similarities. Discourses on Diversity and Uniformity”
Die Vortragsreihe ist Teil des gleichnamigen CAS-Schwerpunktes unter Federführung von Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini. Schwerpunkt und Reihe zielen darauf ab, die Spannungen zu analysieren, die zwischen Diversität und Uniformität bestehen.
22 AprZählt es wirklich? Diversität im Prozess der Wissensproduktion
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen (Aachen), Prof. Dr. Christine Bratu (Göttingen) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler (LMU)
18 Apr—19 AprVerschwörungstheorien zwischen Reformation und Religionskrieg
Workshop led by Dr. Hannes Ziegler (CAS Young Center/LMU)
17 AprArt at CAS: Vernissage Karol Bethke and the Fine Line
Introduction: Marie-Luise Heske (Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst und Design Ingolstadt) and Dr. Mario Günther (Philosophie LMU)
17 AprCausal Inference on Medication Effects Using Secondary Healthcare Data
Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schneeweiss (CAS Fellow/Harvard) and Prof. Michal Abrahamowicz, Ph.D. (CAS Fellow/McGill).
10 AprFrom Viruses to Vaccines: Nanopore Studies on Chemically Modified RNA
Speaker: Prof. Cynthia J. Burrows, Ph.D. (University of Utah) | Chair: Dr. Pascal Giehr (LMU)
09 AprWhat About Dis/Similarities
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini (LMU).
18 Mar—19 MarPredictive Attention
Workshop led by Dr. Siyi Chen (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
27 Feb—28 FebThe Representation of Jews and Judaism in al-Andalus: Texts and Contexts
Masterclass with Prof. Dr. Maribel Fierro (ILC Madrid).
19 Feb—20 FebProducts and the Contemporary History of Europe
Workshop organized by Dr. Lisbeth Matzer (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
08 FebArt at CAS: Finissage Ena Oppenheimer – BLACK HOLES AND WISHING MACHINES
01 FebVom Nutzen und Nachteil eines Institute for Advanced Study für die Wissenschaftslandschaft
Speaker: Prof. David Nirenberg, Ph.D. (IAS Princeton) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp (CAS LMU)
30 JanGibt es eine europäische Verfassungsidentität?
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Dieter Grimm (HU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haltern (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Eva Ellen Wagner (Augsburg)
29 JanPeatland Protection and Climate Change
Speaker: Dr. Franziska Tanneberger (Greifswald) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz (LMU)
29 JanLunch Talk: The Changing Nature of Financial Regulation: Sustainable Finance as a New Policy Objective?
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Veerle Colaert (CAS Research Group/Law, Leuven) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold (CAS Research Group/Law, LMU)
24 JanData Feminism and Grassroots Data Science
Speaker: Prof. Catherine D'Ignazio, Ph.D.
23 JanDeveloping mRNA Based Therapeutics
Referent: Dr. Patrick Baumhof (CureVac, Tübingen) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
17 JanThe Fragmentation of Political Order: Europe and Beyond
Panel discussion with Dr. Tobias Bunde (MSC/Hertie School Berlin), Prof. Dr. Ursula Schröder (Hamburg) and Dr. Moritz Weiss (LMU).
16 JanSepsis: Pioneering Progress on a Daunting Path
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thierry Calandra (Universitätsspital Lausanne) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernhagen (LMU)
13 DecEuropa (Be)Schreiben: Narrative und Erzählungen
Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Astrid Erll (Frankfurt a.M.), Robert Menasse (Wien), Katja Petrowskaja (Tiflis/Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Juliane Prade-Weiss (LMU).
12 DecBlack Holes and Wishing Machines. Imaginative Wissenschaft und wissenschaftsinspirierte Kunst
Panel discussion with Ena Oppenheimer, Dr. Ingmar Saberi (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU) and Dr. Björn Vedder.
11 DecLunch Talk: Learning of Target-Context Associations
Speaker: Dr. Siyi Chen (CAS Researcher in Residence/Psychology, LMU) Respondent: Prof. Dr. Simone Schütz-Bosbach (Psychology, LMU)
04 DecArt at CAS at Friedrichstraße: Vernissage Georg Küttinger – Interferenzen
Introduction: Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris (LMU/CAS Research Group)
04 DecCANCELLED: Lunch Talk: Higher Current Algebras, Pure Spinors, and the Physics of Fivebranes
Speaker: Dr. Ingmar Saberi (CAS Researcher in Residence/Physics, LMU) | Respondent: Dr. Axel Kleinschmidt (MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam)
30 NovGene Silencing in HSPCs with an Apolipoprotein A1-Based Nanodelivery Platform
Speaker: Prof. Roy van der Meel, Ph.D. (Eindhoven University of Technology) | Chair: Dr. Sabine Schneider (LMU)
27 NovThe Implications of Visual Primacy for Climate Messages
Speaker: Prof. Betsi Grabe, Ph.D. (Bloomington) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Mario Haim (LMU)
23 Nov—24 NovScience Meets Society
Workshop unter Leitung von Dr. Bernhard Goodwin und Prof. Dr. Henrike Rau (LMU).
22 NovEuropa denken. Gelingendes Konzept oder monströses Gebilde?
Panel discussion with Dr. Constanze Itzel (House of European History, Brussels), Prof. Dr. Kiran Klaus Patel (LMU) and Karoline Meta Beisel (SZ).
22 Nov—30 JanLecture Series, Winter Semester 2023/24 – “Ach Europa! The Fortunes of a Long-Lasting Concept”
Over the past decade, the European Union has often been described as being in a constant state of crisis.
21 NovLunch Talk: Legal Proof is Rational Belief of Guilt
Speaker: Dr. Mario Günther (CAS Researcher in Residence/Philosophie, LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Dr. Armin Engländer (Jura, LMU)
15 NovCAS Showcase: Cross-Cultural Philology. Ein neuer Ansatz in den Geisteswissenschaften
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Beate Kellner, Prof. Dr. Holger Gzella (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans Bernsdorff (Frankfurt a. M.)
13 NovLunch Talk: In Vino Europa? A Product History of Europe (1950–2000)
Speaker: Dr. Lisbeth Matzer (CAS Researcher in Residence/History, LMU) | Respondent: Prof. Claudia Steinwender, Ph.D. (Economics, LMU)
13 Nov—29 JanLunch Talks
Research Colloquium at CAS
10 NovDeciphering cis-Regulatory Elements at Single-Cell Resolution in Plant Genomes
Speaker: Prof. Bob Schmitz, Ph.D. (University of Georgia) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Claude Becker (CAS Young Center/LMU)
08 Nov—10 NovThe Institutional Architecture of a 1.5 °C World. How to Analyze an Institution’s Capacity to Tackle Climate Change
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold und Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Veil (LMU).
06 NovGelingende Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer and Dr. Bernhard Goodwin (LMU)
25 OctLiteratur als Schule der Empathie – Shakespeares Othello
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann | Chair: Prof. Dr. Claudia Olk (LMU)
19 OctArt at CAS: Vernissage Ena Oppenheimer – BLACK HOLES AND WISHING MACHINES
Introduction: Dr. Ingmar Saberi (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
01 Oct—04 OctTools for Transnational Neuropsychiatric Research
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Prof. Dr. Johannes Levin and Prof. Dr. Adrian Danek (LMU).
29 SepFrom Machine Learning to Autonomous Intelligenc
Speaker: Prof. Yann LeCun, Ph.D. (Meta/NYU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok (LMU)
13 Sep—15 SepTheatre Sound (as) Collaboration. Distributed Creations, Shared Agencies
Conference led by Prof. Dr. David Roesner
07 Sep—08 SepLorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure
Workshop led by Dr. Andreas Pithis (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
25 JulTauchgang ins Archiv. Neue Fragen an alte Bestände
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier (CAS Research Group/LMU) and Dr. Julia Schreiner (CAS).
19 JulLiving in the World of RNA Therapeutics
Speaker: Dr. Muthiah Manoharan (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
17 Jul—18 JulWords to Numbers. Using NLP Methods for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier (CAS Research Group/LMU)
17 JulRecent Advances in Social Cognitive Neuroscience
Workshop ledy by Dr. Seth Levine (CAS Researcher in Residence/LMU)
12 JulGlobal Climate Justice
Panel discussion with Prof. Thomas Lekan, Ph.D. (University of South Carolina/RCC Fellow), Prof. Dr. Eleonora Rohland (Bielefeld), and Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach (Salzburg) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Simone Müller (Augsburg)
11 JulCAS Showcase: Stroke Genetics: Discovery, Biology, and Clinical Applications
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Dichgans (LMU)
19 JunWas geht in Sachen Mobilität? Fallstudie München
Panel Discussion with Georg Dunkel (Mobilitätsreferat Stadt München), Thomas Kretschmer (BR) and Dr. Alexander Wentland (TUM)
05 Jun—09 JunCLUES 2023: Advances in Understanding the Local Universe
Workshop led by Dr Klaus Dolag (CAS Research Group/ LMU) and Jenny Sorce, Ph.D. (CAS Research Group/CRIStAL).
17 MayLand under Pressure. Ways to Climate-Neutrality
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Erb and Prof. Sonali Shukla McDermid, Ph.D. | Chair: Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz (LMU)
11 MayKunst am CAS in der Friedrichstraße – Vernissage Siegfried Wameser/Karolin Nirschl – Kopf/Steinzeiten
Introduction: Prof. Dr. Martin H. Geyer
10 MayAccounting for Uncertainty when Forecasting Armed Conflict
Speaker: Prof. Håvard Hegre, Ph.D. (Uppsala) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Katrin Paula (TUM)
09 MayImagining Travels to the Moon in the 17th Century
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Raz Chen-Morris | Chair: Prof. Dr. Kärin Nickelsen (LMU)
04 MayGesellschaft Ohne Wandel? Klimaschutz in Zeiten der Multi-Krise
Panel Discussion with Dr. Katharina Beyerl (RIFS Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Anna Henkel (Passau), Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi (LMU) and Vera Schroeder (SZ)
04 May—12 Jul
20 AprArt at CAS − Vernissage: Niko Abramidis &NE – DYOR U
In the summer semester, Niko Abramidis &NE will transform CAS into a hub for secret research, new insights and knowledge generation.
15 FebThe Economics of Peace
Lecture by Prof. Dominic Rohner, Ph.D. (Lausanne). Moderation: Thomas Fromm (SZ)
02 Feb
31 JanCAS Showcase: Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die Staatsrechtslehre
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Ewald Wiederin (Wien)
19 JanOn the Development of Personalized Cancer Vaccines Based on HLA Ligandome Analysis
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Rammensee (Tübingen) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kobold (LMU)
17 NovEffort and Selection Effects of Incentives for Knowledge Creation
Lunch Time Talk am CAS: Effort and Selection Effects of Incentives for Knowledge Creation: Evidence from German Academia
25 Oct—06 Feb
14 Oct—15 Oct
24 JunNew RNA Therapeutics
Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel (CAS Young Center/LMU) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Carell (LMU).
01 Jun
12 May—25 Jul
24 Nov—27 Jan
09 JunCAS Showcase: Shakespeare's Echoes
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Claudia Olk (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Höfele (LMU)
10 May—30 Sep
27 JanCAS Showcase: Asthma and Allergy
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Erika von Mutius (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Jonathan Grigg (Queen Mary University of London)
30 Nov—11 Feb
23 Jun—09 Jul
28 MayCAS Showcase: Innate Immunity
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Veit Hornung (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Endres (LMU)
16 JanCAS Showcase: Quantum Research
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schollwöck (LMU)
30 Oct—05 Mar
25 JunCAS Showcase: Global History
Referent: Prof. Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer (LMU) | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme (LMU)
07 May—09 Jul
12 DecCAS Showcase: Immunonkologie
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael von Bergwelt (LMU) | Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Endres (LMU)
08 Nov—23 Jan
19 Apr—13 Dec
08 Nov—14 Mar
16 May—24 JulLecture series in the Summer Semester 2017 – “Heart Insight”
Nothing symbolises life and humanity as strongly and universally as the heart.
25 Oct—22 MayLecture series in the Winter Semester 2016/17 – “Passagen”
According to the UNCHR report of June 2015, around 60 million people are displaced worldwide.
27 Apr—05 JulLecture series in the Summer Semester 2016 – “Cutting Edge – Herausforderungen der Wissenschaft/New Challenges for Scholarship”
The lecture series at the Center for Advanced Studies asks about the latest developments in different areas of science.
24 Nov—28 Jan
22 Apr—01 JulLecture series in the Summer Semester 2013 – “Das Kind im Zentrum der Wissenschaften”
The CAS lecture series of the summer semester 2015 is also the kick-off of the new CAS focus "Speech and Language Processing: How Words Emerge and Dissolve".
13 Nov—29 JanLecture series in the Winter Semester 2014/15 – “How to be Good”
In this lecture series, scholars from disciplines as diverse as psychology, economics and jurisprudence address moral philosophical questions alongside philosophy.
06 May—07 JulLecture series in the Winter Semester 2013/14 – “Was machen wir mit dem Müll?”
In Germany, the amount of waste has decreased in recent years despite increasing economic growth, and the recycling rate of packaging has even doubled to almost 80 percent in the last ten years.
07 Nov—30 JanLecture series in the Winter Semester 2013/14 – “Was machen wir mit dem Müll?”
In Germany, the amount of waste has decreased in recent years despite increasing economic growth, and the recycling rate of packaging has even doubled to almost 80 percent in the last ten years.
24 Apr—20 JunLecture series in the Summer Semester 2013 – “Das Kind im Zentrum der Wissenschaften”
The lecture series of the CAS focus "Concept Paediatrics" will be continued in the summer semester.
24 Oct—07 FebLecture series in the Winter Semester 2012/13 – “Recht als Produkt”
The lecture series in the winter semester takes place within the framework of the CAS focus "Concept Paediatrics".
03 May—05 JulLecture series in the Summer Semester 2013 – “Das Kind im Zentrum der Wissenschaften”
Nothing symbolises life and humanity as strongly and universally as the heart.
16 Nov—01 FebLecture Series in the Summer Semester 2011 – “Recht als Produkt”
The lecture series Science Exploration presents interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research projects dedicated to the tense relationship between science, technology and society.
10 Nov—02 FebLecture series in the Winter Semester 2011/12 – “Cutting Edge – Herausforderungen der Wissenschaft/New Challenges for Scholarship”
The lecture series at the Center for Advanced Studies asks about the latest developments in different areas of science.
11 May—26 OctLecture Series in the Summer Semester 2011 – “Recht als Produkt”
Law sets the framework for market transactions and competition. In recent years, however, law itself has become a marketable product - in many regions of the world and in various fields.
28 Oct—03 FebLecture Series in the Winter Semester 2010/11 – “Die Physik des Freien Willens”
Determinism and free will in an interdisciplinary perspective
22 Apr—08 Jul