Past Visiting Fellows

Prof. Ruthie Abeliovich, Ph.D.

University of Haifa

Theatre Studies

Prof. Sara Achour, Ph.D.

Stanford University

Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Thomas Adam

University of Texas at Arlington

Modern History

Prof. Larry G. Adams, Ph.D.

Purdue University

Small Animal Medicine

Nabila Aghanim, Ph.D.

Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale


Dr. Damien Agut-Labordère

CNRS Nanterre


Dr. Kozad Ahmed

University of Sulaimani


Prof. Dr. Clemens Albrecht

University of Bonn

Cultural Sociology

Prof. Dr. h.c. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.

WZB Berlin Social Science Center


Silvanus Alt

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems


Mark Altaweel, Ph.D.

University College London

Near East Archaeology

Prof. Brian A. Anderson, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University


Prof. Dr. Stefan Andriopoulos

Columbia University

Germanic Languages

Spyros Angelopoulos, Ph.D.

Paris 6 /CNRS

Computer Science

Prof. Christopher Ansell, Ph.D.

University of California, Berkeley

Political Science

Prof. Dr. Gerd Antes

German Network for Evidence based Medicine


Yuhiko Aoyama, Ph.D.

Tsinghua University


Prof. Celia Applegate, Ph.D.

University of Rochester


Prof. Dr. Manuel Aranda

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Marine Science

Dr. Noga Arikha

Warburg Institute / Center for the Politics of Feelings (London) / Institut Jean Nicod (Paris)


Prof. Philip Armitage, Ph.D.

Stony Brook University / Flatiron Institute


Prof. J. Scott Armstrong, Ph.D.

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania


Prof. David N. Arnosti, Ph.D.

Michigan State University

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Prof. Albert Ascoli, Ph.D.

University of California in Berkeley

Italian Philology

Prof. Elliott Ash, Ph.D.

ETH Zürich

Law, Economics and Data Science

Prof. Eric H. Ash, Ph.D.

Wayne State University


Ian Astley, Ph.D.

University of Edinburgh


Prof. Ömer Aygün, Ph.D.

Galatasaray University Istanbul


Prof. Dr. André Bächtiger

University of Stuttgart

Political Theory and Empirical Democracy Research

Prof. Carla Bagnoli, Ph.D.

University of Modena & Reggio Emilia


Prof. Xuening Bai, Ph.D.



Prof. Dr. Stephan Baier

Georg August University Göttingen

Number Theory

Dr. Thomas Bak

University of Edinburgh


Angeliki Balayannis, Ph.D.

University of Exeter

Human Geography

Prof. William Barbieri, Ph.D.

The Catholic University of America


Laurie Barge, Ph.D.

California Institute of Technology


Prof. Marco Baroni, Ph.D.

University of Trento


Roland Bauerschmidt, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge


Prof. Dr. Jens Baumgarten

Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo

Art History

Prof. Manuel Bautista, Ph.D.

Western Michigan University


Prof. Dr. Peter Becker

University of Vienna

Austrian History

Prof. Dr. Sascha O. Becker

Monash University

Business and Economics

Prof. Richard Beckett, Ph.D.

University of KwaZulu-Natal


Dr. Sander Begeer

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Developmental Psychology

Prof. Bill Bell, Ph.D.

Cardiff University


Prof. Macalester Bell, Ph.D.

Bryn Mawr College


Prof. Dr. Simone Dalla Bella

University Montpellier I

Cognitive Psychology

Prof. Dr. Peter Berger

University of Groningen

Anthropology and Asian Studies

Prof. Volker R. Berghahn, Ph.D.

Columbia University


Prof. Sigurd Bergmann, Ph.D.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Religious Studies

Prof. Dr. Frauke Berndt

University Zurich

Modern German Literature

João Fábio Bertonha, Ph.D.

State University of Maringá


Prof. Dr. Carmine Bianchi

University of Palermo

Political Sciences

Prof. Dr. Martin Binder

University of Reading

Politics and International Relations

Prof. Dina Bishara, Ph.D.

Cornell University

International and Comparative Labor

Prof. David Blackbourn, Ph.D.

Harvard University


Prof. em. Meredith Blackwell, Ph.D.

Louisiana State University


Prof. Dr. Michael Blauberger

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg

Political Sciences

Prof. Dr. René Bloch

University of Bern

Jewish Studies

Prof. Dr. Michael Blome-Tillmann

McGill University


Prof. Katherine Blouin, Ph.D.

University of Toronto Scarborough

Classics and History

Prof. Dr. Paul Richard Blum

Loyola University Maryland


Dr. Isa Blumi
Prof. Omri Boehm, Ph.D.
Sage Boettcher, Ph.D.

University of Oxford


Prof. Amanda Boetzkes, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Rafal Bogacz
Prof. Paul Boghossian, Ph.D.

New York University / University of Birmingham


Prof. William John Boone, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bortfeld

Harvard Medical School

Radiation Oncology

Prof. Sandra Bosacki, Ph.D.
Pierre Le Boudec, Ph.D.
Prof. Sylvain Bouix, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Mikhail A. Boytsov
Prof. James Bradley, Ph.D.

Queen Mary University of London

Environmental Science

Prof. Elizabeth Brake, Ph.D.

Rice University


Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes
Prof. Gilles Brassard

Université de Montréal

Computer science

Prof. Timothy H. Breen, Ph.D.
Prof. Theodore R. Brennan, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Christian Breunig

University of Konstanz

Comparative Politics

Prof. John Brewer, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Bromme
Richard F. Broude
Prof. Kate Brown, Ph.D.
Dr. Tim Browning
Prof. Rogers Brubaker, Ph.D.
Dr. Karin Bruckmüller
Prof. Mark J. Bruhn, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Axel Bruns
Prof. Ramy Brustein, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Peter Bugge
Prof. Jennifer Burns, Ph.D.
James Burton, Ph.D.
Dr. Anna R. Burzyńska

Jagiellonian University

Theatre Studies

Prof. Dr. Niko Busch

University of Münster


Prof. Gábor Buzási, Ph.D.

Eötvös Loránd University

Ancient Studies

Prof. James T. Campbell, Ph.D.
Prof. Charlotte M. Canning, Ph.D.
Prof. Nancy Carlisle, Ph.D.

Lehigh University


Prof. Jeremy Carpendale, Ph.D.
Dr. María Alejandra Arciniega Ceballos

National Autonomous University of Mexico


Prof. Carmelo Cennamo, Ph.D.

Copenhagen Business School

Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Prof. Marjorie A. Chan, Ph.D.

University of Utah

Geology and Geophysics

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Charalambidis
Prof. David Charles, Ph.D.

Yale University


Prof. Dinarello Charles
Prof. Yan Chen, Ph.D.
Prof. Dennis des Chene, Ph.D.
Prof. Clark A. Chinn, Ph.D.
Prof. Cathie Clarke, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge


Prof. Stephen Clarkson, Ph.D.
Prof. Emanuele Coccia, Ph.D.
Prof. Alan Code, Ph.D.

Stanford University


Prof. David Cohen, Ph.D. J.D.
Prof. Jennifer S. Cole, Ph.D.
Prof. Michael Cole, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Hans Colonius

University of Braunschweig


Prof. Roy T. Cook, Ph.D.
Prof. Robert D. Cooter, Ph.D.
Michele Correggi, Ph.D.
Dr. Antonio Costa

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Bologna

Environmental Physics

Prof. Glenn Cowan, Ph.D.

Concordia University Montreal

Electrical and computer engineering

Prof. Peter Cowan, Ph.D.

University of Melbourne


Margaret Cramm

Queen Mary University of London


Prof. Skyler J. Cranmer, Ph.D.
Prof. Eleonora Cresto, Ph.D.
Karen Croot, Ph.D.
Prof. Brian Cummings, Ph.D.
Prof. Adrian Curtin, Ph.D.

University of Exeter

Theatre Studies

Yamini Dalal, Ph.D.

National Cancer Institute


Arjen van Dalen, Ph.D.
Prof. Stephen Darwall, Ph.D.

Yale University


Prof. Ruth Dassonneville, Ph.D.

University of Montréal

Political Science

Prof. Matthew Davies, Ph.D.
Prof. Tracy C. Davis, Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Dawid
Prof. Angus Dawson, Ph.D.

University of Sydney

Health Ethics

Prof. Dr. Alexia Delfino, Ph.D.

Università Bocconi


Prof. Dr. Hugo Delgado

National Autonomous University of Mexico


Prof. Gianfausto Dell'Antonio
Dr. Cyril Demarche
Prof. Ashwini Deo, Ph.D.
Prof. José van Dijck, Ph.D.
Prof. Daniela Dimitrova, Ph.D.

Iowa State University

Journalism and Communication

Prof. Jeremiah Dittmar, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Dohm
Dr. Konstanze Domhardt
Prof. Anil R. Doshi, Ph.D.

UCL School of Management of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Prof. Keith Dowding

Australian National University

Political Science

Dr. Dejan Draschkow

University of Oxford


Yohan Dubois, Ph.D.

Institute of Astrophysics, Sorbonne Université / CNRS

Mathematical Models

Dr. Iwan Michelangelo D’Aprile
Prof. Patrick Ebewo, Ph.D.

Tshwane University of Technology

Theatre Studies

Dr. Sabine Eckmann
Dr. Cynthia Edenburg
Prof. Ricca Edmondson
Prof. Dr. Margreth Egidi
Prof. Sule Emmanuel Egya, Ph.D.
Prof. Susan Einbinder, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Susanna Elm
Prof. Isabelle Engeli, Ph.D.
Prof. Miguel Andres Espinosa Farfan, Ph.D.

Bocconi University


Prof. Dr. Franz M. Eybl
Christian Felske, Ph.D.
Prof. Ewan Fernie, Ph.D.
Prof. Alberto Neftalí Villanueva Fernández

University of Granada


Prof. Dr. Maribel Fierro

Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo

Middle Eastern studies

Prof. Orfeo Fioretos, Ph.D.

Temple University

Political Science

Prof. Jill E. Fisch, J.D.
Prof. Branden Fitelson, Ph.D.
Prof. Fraser Fleming, Ph.D.
Prof. Paul Fleming, Ph.D.
Dr. Cynthia Forlini
Ann R. Fornof, Ph.D.
Dr. Irene Forstner-Müller
Dr. Nikolaos Fountoulakis
Prof. Søren Fournais, Ph.D.

Aarhus University


Prof. Dr. em. Dorothea Frede
Prof. Jeffrey Freedman, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ute Frevert

Max Planck Institute for Human Development


Prof. Roman Frigg, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Christian Frings

Trier University


Prof. Andrea M. Frisch, Ph.D.
Prof. Mamoru Fujiwara, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Jana Gallus

UCLA Anderson

Behavioral Economics

Prof. Rashid Ganeev, Ph.D.
Prof. Nicholas Gaspelin, Ph.D.

Binghamton University


Prof. Joy J. Geng, Ph.D.

UC Davis


Prof. Dr. Alexander C.T. Geppert

NYU New York / NYU Shanghai


Prof. Dr. Kai Germaschewski
Prof. Henrique von Gersdorff, Ph.D.

Oregon Health & Science University

Physiology and Pharmacology

Prof. Ricard Gil, Ph.D.

Queen’s University

Business Economics

Prof. em. Christopher Gill, Ph.D.
Prof. Zsuzsa Gille, Ph.D.
Prof. Michela Giorcelli, Ph.D.

University of California


Prof. Dr. Daniele Giordano

University of Turin

Experimental Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology

Prof. Paola Giuliano, Ph.D.
Micha Gläser, Ph.D.

University of Zürich


Prof. Dr. Johanna Glauber

IE Business School / IE University, Madrid


Prof. Stacie Goddard, Ph.D.

Wellesley College

Political Science

Prof. Peter Godman, Ph.D.
Prof. Petra Gödde, Ph.D.
Prof. Rüdiger Görner, Ph.D.
Prof. Christina Goldschmidt, Ph.D.

University of Oxford


Prof. Julie Golomb, Ph.D.

Ohio State University


Prof. Celso E. Gomez-Sanchez

University of Mississippi


Dr. Stefan Gottlöber

Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam


Prof. John Steven Gouws
Prof. Anthony Grafton, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Gressel

Leibniz-Institut for Astrophysics in Potsdam (AIP) / University of Copenhagen


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Grohs

University of Vienna

Mathematical Data Science

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Grohsjean

Bocconi University

Management and Technology

Prof. Shen Guanbao
Prof. Eduardo Gudynas
Prof. Zhengfu Guo, Ph.D.

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing


Prof. François Guyot, Ph.D.

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN Paris)


Prof. Knud Haakonssen, Ph.D.
Prof. Andrew Hadfield
Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn
Prof. Dr. Oskar Hallatschek

UC Berkeley

Physics and Integrative Biology

Prof. Jacob Darwin Hamblin, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Paul Hamilton
Prof. Dr. Jiří Hanuš, Ph.D.
Dr. Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hartmann
Prof. Pieter Sjoerd Hasper, Ph.D.

Indiana University / University of Tübingen


Dr. Douglas Hedley
Prof. Dr. Anke te Heesen
Prof. Dr. Björn Manuel Hegelich
Prof. Håvard Hegre, Ph.D.

Uppsala University, Peace Research Institute Oslo

Peace and Conflict Research

Prof. Dr. Rainer Hegselmann
Prof. Dr. Antonio Moreno Hernández
Prof. Guillermo J. Larios Hernández, Ph.D.

Universidad Anáhuac México

Entrepreneurship Research

Prof. Richard Le Heron, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Ralph Hertwig

MPI for Human Development


Prof. Michael Herzfeld, D.Litt. D.Phil.
Prof. Susannah Heschel, Ph.D.
Prof. Sarah Hill, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Klaus-G. Hinzen
PD Dr. Bettina Hitzer
Prof. Dr. Puay Peng Ho

National University of Singapore


Prof. Yehuda Hoffman, Ph.D.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Dr. Norbert Hoffmann
Prof. Roald Hoffmann, Ph.D.
Reto Hofmann, Ph.D.
Prof. Stephen Holmes, Ph.D.
Prof. Richard Holton, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge


Prof. Dr. Katharina Holzinger
Prof. Simon Hooker, Ph.D.
Dr. Sándor Horváth
Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder
Prof. Michael Howlett, Ph.D.

Simon Fraser University

Political Science

Irene Hsiao, Ph.D.
Dr. John Huerta

University of Lisbon

Mathematical Physics

Prof. Thomas Hurka, Ph.D.

University of Toronto


Mark Hutchison, Ph.D.

University of Bern / University of Zurich


Prof. Terence Hwa, Ph.D.
Prof. em. Adrienne Héritier
Agustin Ibáñez, Ph.D.

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez


Prof. Ruedi Imbach
Prof. Timothy Ingold, Ph.D.
Prof. Kinya Ishikawa, Ph.D.

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Neurology and Neurological Science

Prof. Khalil Iskarous, Ph.D.
Prof. Ludmila Isurin, Ph.D.

Ohio State University


Prof. Murat F. Iyigun, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Philippe Jacquart
Prof. Laurent Jaffro, Ph.D.

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Prof. Dr. Beate Jahn
Prof. Dr. Margarete Jahrmann

Zurich University of the Arts

Game Design

Prof. Kavita Jain, Ph.D.
Prof. Konrad H. Jarausch, Ph.D.
Jeff Jennings

University of Cambridge


Prof. Diane Jeske, Ph.D.

University of Iowa


Prof. Bob Jessop, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans Joas

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Prof. Doug Johnstone, Ph.D.

University of Victoria / Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre


Prof. Ryan Tucker Jones, Ph.D.

University of Oregon


Dr. Gregory Jones-Katz

University of Wisconsin-Madison

American History

Prof. Jacint Jordana, Ph.D.
Prof. George Joseph, Ph.D.
Prof. Ludovic Jullien, Ph.D.

Université Pierre et Marie Curie / École Normale Supérieure (Paris)


Prof. Fujii Jun, Ph.D.
Gabriel Jung, Ph.D.

University of Padova

Physics, Astronomy

Prof. Dr. André Kaiser

University of Cologne

Political Science

Prof. Dr. Angela Kallhoff

University of Vienna


Aaron Kamm
Martin Kampmann, Ph.D.

University of California, San Francisco

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Prof. Brian Kane, Ph.D.

Yale University

Philosophy, Music Theory

Prof. Marika Kapanadze, Ph.D.

Ilia State University

Science Education

Enkeleida Kapia, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Henry Keazor
Prof. Simon Keller, Ph.D.

Victoria University Wellington


Prof. Vera Keller, Ph.D.
Lynne Kendrick, Ph.D.

University of London

New Theatre Practices

Prof. Michael Kent, Ph.D.

UC Davis

Surgical & Radiological Sciences

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kern-Isberner
Prof. Dr. Dirk Kerzel

University of Geneva


Prof. Fazeleh Khajenabi, Ph.D.

Golestan University


Prof. Geoffrey Khan, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge

Middle Eastern Studies

Vincent Micheal Kiberu, Ph.D.

Makerere University


Prof. Eshetu Girma Kidane, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Helmuth Kiesel
Prof. Dong-Eon Kim, Ph.D.
Prof. Michael Kimmage, Ph.D.

Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.


Prof. James P. Kirby, Ph.D.
Prof. Michael Klausner, J.D.
Dr. Frieder Klein
Prof. Dr. Holger A. Klein
Prof. Dr. Alexander Knebe

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid


Felix Koch, Ph.D.

Freie Universität Berlin


Bahar Köymen, Ph.D.
Prof. Thomas Kohut, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Nataliia Kovalchuk

Ukrainian Catholic University


Prof. Dr. Ursula Kramer

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

German musicology

Dr. Stefan Krankenhagen
Prof. Christian Kravagna
Prof. Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, Ph.D.

The Scripps Research Institute


Prof. Joachim I. Krueger, Ph.D.
Dr. PD Ralf-Meinard Kuhlmann
Prof. Nicola Lacetera, Ph.D.

University of Toronto


Prof. Jennifer Lackey, Ph.D.

Northwestern University


Prof. Dr. Antonio Laface
Prof. Dominique Lamy, Ph.D.

Tel-Aviv University


Prof. Julia Lane, Ph.D.

NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Economics and Statistics

Dr. Susanne Lange
Prof. Rae Langton, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge


Prof. Dr. Niklaus Largier

University of Berkeley

German Literature

Prof. Douglas Edward LaRowe, Ph.D.

University of Southern California

Earth Sciences

Prof. Douglas Lavin, Ph.D.
Prof. Andrew Leber, Ph.D.

Ohio State University


Prof. Kwangwon Lee, Ph.D.

Rutgers University


Prof. Neil Van Leeuwen, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. em. Pierre Legendre
Prof. Niles Lehman, Ph.D.

Portland State University


Peter Lehnardt, Ph.D.
Prof. Aija E. Leiponen, Ph.D.

Cornell University

Strategy and Business Economics

Prof. Massimo Leone, Ph.D.
Prof. Eitan Lerner, Ph.D.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Biological Chemistry

Prof. Marc Lerner, Ph.D.
Prof. Einat Lev, Ph.D.

Columbia University


Dr. Michele Levi
Prof. David Levi-Faur, Ph.D.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Political Science

Prof. Leonid S. Levitov, Ph.D.
Prof. Steven D. Levitt, Ph.D.
Prof. Mark Edward Lewis, Ph.D.

Standford University

History and Religious Studies

Prof. Nick Ian Lewis, Ph.D.
Dr. Noam Libeskind

Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam

Cosmography and Large-Scale Structure

Prof. Liv Ingeborg Lied, Ph.D.
Dr. Béatrice Lienemann
Prof. Marcia Linn, Ph.D.
Prof. Phillip Y. Lipscy, Ph.D.

Stanford University

Political Science

Chiara Lisciandra, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. François Lissarrague
Prof. Christian List, Ph.D.
Yang Liu, Ph.D.
Prof. Claudio Llanos Reyes, Ph.D.

Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso

Contemporary History

Prof. Dr. Jörg Löschke

University of Zurich


Prof. Dr. Michael Loewe
Prof. Pilar Lopez-Cantero, Ph.D.

Tilburg University


Mianna Lotz, Ph.D.

Macquarie University


Dr. Petra Louis

University of Aberdeen


Prof. Michèle Lowrie, Ph.D.

University of Chicago

Ancient Literature

Prof. Megan Luke, Ph.D.
Prof. Zaida Luthey-Schulten, Ph.D.
Prof. Paul K. MacDonald, Ph.D.

Wellesley College

Political Science

Neil MacGregor
Prof. Marco Maggis, Ph.D.
Prof. Martin Mai, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Robert Mailhammer
Dr. Jon K. Maner
Prof. Stephen Mann, Ph.D.

University of Bristol


Prof. Dr. Jaap Mansfeld
Prof. Moshe Maor, Ph.D.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Political Science

Prof. Dr. Jun.- Stephanie Marchal
Prof. Helen Margetts, Ph.D.

University of Oxford / Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and AI

Political Science

Prof. Carmi Margolis

Ben-Gurion Universität

Medical Education

Prof. Adrienne Martin, Ph.D.

Claremont McKenna College

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Dr. Macarena Marín
Prof. Mohan Matthen, Ph.D.

University of Toronto


Prof. David Maxwell, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Emeran A. Mayer



Prof. Kevin H. Mayo, Ph.D.

University of Minnesota

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics

Armen Mazmanyan
Prof. Veronica Mazza, Ph.D.
Prof. Daniel McFadden, Ph.D.
Sean McGee, Ph.D.

University of Birmingham


Prof. Dr. Patrick McGuinness
Prof. David McIntyre, Ph.D.

Providence College School of Business


Prof. Gordon McMullan, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Helga Maria Meise

University of Reims


Prof. H. Craig Melchert, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Martin Melosi
Prof. Dr. Douglas Mennin
Prof. Nivedita Menon, Ph.D.
Prof. Frédéric Merand, Ph.D.

Université de Montréal

Political Sciences

Prof. Bella Merlin, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Hélène Miard-Delacroix


Modern History

Prof. Mike Michaels, Ph.D.
Prof. Stelios Michalopoulos, Ph.D.
Cătălina Mihalache, Ph.D.
Prof. Lucio Milano, Ph.D.
Prof. Alexandra Mislin, Ph.D.

American University


Prof. Nadine Moeller, Ph.D.
Prof. Subhanjoy Mohanty, Ph.D.
Prof. Joan Martí Molist, Ph.D.

Spanish Scientific Research Council, Barcelona


Prof. Chris Moore, Ph.D.
Dirk van Moorselaar, Ph.D.

VU Amsterdam


Prof. Peter Mora, Ph.D.
Prof. Timothy P. Moran, Ph.D.
Prof. Benjamin C. A. Morison, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Müller
Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Müller

University of Leipzig


Dr. Simone Müller
Dr. Sven Oliver Müller
Wolfgang Müller
Prof. Dr. Krista R. Muis
Prof. Dr. Olivier Munnich
Prof. Benjamin Munson, Ph.D.
Prof. Boris Murmann, Ph.D.

Stanford University

Electrical engineering

Prof. Dr. Andrea Di Muro

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris / Vulkanologisches Observatorium des Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion


George Musser

Science Communication

Prof. Siegfried Musser, Ph.D.
Prof. Zahra Mustafa-Awad, Ph.D.
Prof. Lucie Ménard, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Nagashima
Prof. Dr. Shinichiro Nakamura
Nori Nakata, Ph.D.
Prof. Issam El Naqa, Ph.D.

Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa


Kamesh Narasimhan, Ph.D.

Harvard Medical School


Prof. Joaquín Navajas, Ph.D.

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella


Prof. Roberto Navigli, Ph.D.
Oded Na‘aman, Ph.D.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Prof. Dana Kay Nelkin, Ph.D.

University of California, San Diego


Tamara Niella, M.Sc.

University of Oregon

Social Psychology

Michael Nielsen, Ph.D.
Prof. William Nienhauser, Ph.D.
Prof. Martha C. Nussbaum, Ph.D.
Sebastián E. Nuza, Ph.D.

University of Buenos Aires

Astronomy and Space Physics

Prof. Michael Nylan, Ph.D.
Dr. Anne Obermann
Prof. Wendy H Oddy, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer
Dr. Kai Oppermann
Gloria Origgi, Ph.D.

Institut Nicod (CNRS- Ecole Normale Supérieure)

Philosophy and Social Sciences

Irina Oryshkevich, Ph.D.

Columbia University

Art History and Archaeology

Prof. Jonathan Osborne, Ph.D.
Prof. Marina Oshana, Ph.D.
Prof. Lara Ostaric, Ph.D.
Prof. Kevin Ostoyich, Ph.D.
Prof. Elizabeth Otto, Ph.D.

University of Buffalo

Art History

Prof. Sijbren Otto, Ph.D.

University of Groningen


Prof. Rune Ottosen
Prof. David Over, Ph.D.
James Owen, Ph.D.

Imperial College London


Prof. David Owens, Ph.D.

King's College London


Prof. Hakan Ozalp, Ph.D.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Business Administration and Management

Prof. Gianenrico Paganini
Gianni Del Panta, Ph.D.

University of Siena

Political Science

Prof. Laurie Paul, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Esther Peeren
Prof. Glenn Penny, Ph.D.
Prof. Antônio D. Pereira, Ph.D.

Fluminense Federal University, Radboud University Nijmegen

Yang-Mills theories and quantum gravity

Prof. Giancarla Periti, Ph.D.
Prof. B. Guy Peters, Ph.D.
Dr. Martin Pfeiffer

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

German Linguistics

Prof. Jason Phipps-Morgan, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Bodo Pieroth
Kathryn E. Piquette, Ph.D.
Prof. Thomas Pogge, Ph.D.
Dr. Patrick L. Poole
Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Pormann

University of Manchester

Classics & Graeco-Arabic Studies

Prof. Dr. Helle Porsdam, Ph.D.
Prof. Daniel T. Potts, Ph.D.
Prof. Diane Poulin-Dubois, Ph.D.
Prof. Jennifer R. Pournelle, Ph.D.
Prof. Ralph Pudritz, Ph.D.

McMaster University


Dr. Antje Endesfelder Quick
Prof. Kevin M. Quinn, Ph.D.
Prof. Eric Racine, Ph.D.
Duška Radosavljević, Ph.D.

University of London

Contemporary Theatre and Performance

Prof. Linda Radzik, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University


Prof. Paul Rainey, Ph.D.

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology / ESPCI Paris-Tech

Evolutionary Biology

Prof. William Rainey, Ph.D.
Prof. Tilottama Rajan, Ph.D.
Prof. Elizabeth Rankin, Ph.D.
Prof. Markus Raschke, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Marwan Rashed

Sorbonne Universiy


Prof. Dr. Josef Rauschecker
Prof. Nicolas Raymond, Ph.D.

University of Angers


Dr. Hannah Read

Duke University


Prof. James Read

University of Oxford


Prof. Dr. Ester Reijnen
Prof. Peter Hanns Reill, Ph.D.
Prof. Imke Reimers, Ph.D.

Northeastern University


Prof. Dr. Nicole Reinhardt
Prof. Dr. Georg Reischauer

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Strategic Management

Doug Reside, Ph.D.
Frederick Reuss
Prof. George Ritzer, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Silke Robatzek

The Sainsbury Laboratory


Prof. Daniel T. Rodgers, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Röer

Witten/Herdecke University


Prof. Dr. Kati Röttger
Prof. Antal Rot, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. David T. Runia
Prof. Dorin Ruse, Ph.D.
Prof. Kelly Russell, Ph.D.

University of British Columbia


Prof. Juha Saatsi, Ph.D.
Prof. Raffaella Sadun, Ph.D.

Harvard Business School


Prof. Omar Saleh, Ph.D.
Professor Walid Saleh, Ph.D.
Prof. Elske Salemink, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Gavriel Salomon
Prof. Dana Samson, Ph.D.
Prof. Karin L. Sanders
Dr. Günther Sandner
Cecilia Scannapieco, Ph.D.

University of Buenos Aires

Cosmology and Gravitation

Prof. Jeffrey D. Schall, Ph.D.

York University


Prof. Dietram A. Scheufele, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schich
Prof. Dr. Karl Schlögel
Prof. Bob J. Schmitz, Ph.D.

University of Georgia


Prof. Dr. Stanca Scholz-Cionca
Prof. Arthur Schram, Ph.D.
Dr. Julia H. Schröder

University of the Arts in Berlin


Dr. Peter Schröder
Prof. Dr. Anna Schubö

University of Marburg


Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Schulz
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Folke Schuppert

HU Berlin / WZB Berlin


Prof. Steven Schwarcz, J.D.
Prof. Alan Schwartz
Prof. Glenn Schwartz, Ph.D.
Joshua P. Schwarz, Ph.D.
Dr. Gottfried Schweiger

University of Salzburg


Prof. Holger Schwenk, Ph.D.
Dr. Mustafa Seckin
Prof. Laurence Senelick, Ph.D.
Prof. Mohsen Shadmehri, Ph.D.



Prof. Valeriy Prokhorovich Shcherbakov, Ph.D.
Dr. Erica Sheen
Prof. Yvonne Sherwood, Ph.D.

University of Kent

Religious Studies

Dr. Caspar Siegert

Bank of England


Prof. Brian S. Silverman, Ph.D.

University of Toronto


Prof. em. John Simmers, Ph.D.
Prof. Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, Ph.D.

University of Minnesota

Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

Helle Sjøvaag, Ph.D.
Prof. Heleen Slagter, Ph.D.

VU Amsterdam

Cognitive Neuroscience

Arne Smeets, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Wolbert Smidt
Prof. Gianluca Solla
Jenny Sorce, Ph.D.

Université de Lille


Prof. Thomas E. Spencer, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Spilker

University of Konstanz

Political Science

Prof. Devi Sridhar, Ph.D.

University of Edinburgh

Global Public Health

Prof. Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen, Ph.D.
Prof. Yvonne Steinert, Ph.D.
Prof. Nancy S. Steinhardt, Ph.D.
Dr. PD Fabian Steinhauer
Dr. Hans Steinmüller
Prof. Philipp Stelzel, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Markus Stepanians

University of Bern


Dr. Matthew D. Stephen

Berlin Social Science Center

Political Science

Prof. Matthew Stibbe, Ph.D.

Sheffield Hallam University

Modern European History

Prof. Dr. Mark I. Stockman
Prof. Edgardo Stockmeyer, Ph.D.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Prof. Dr. Michael Stöltzner
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Straub

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Social Theory and Social Psychology

Prof. Michael Strevens, Ph.D.
Prof. Sarah Stroud, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Dr. Bernhard Struck
Prof. Dr. Karsten Stueber

College of the Holy Cross


Prof. Dr. Thomas Sturm
Prof. Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Ph.D.



Prof. Dr. Roberto Sulpizio

University of Bari


Prof. Harini Sundararaghavan, Ph.D.

Wayne State University

Biomedical Engineering

Prof. Jeremi Suri, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Natan Sznaider

Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo


Prof. Arturo Sánchez-Azofeifa, Ph.D.

University of Alberta

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Prof. Jonas Tallberg, Ph.D.

Universität Stockholm

Political Science

Dora Tang, Ph.D.

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics


Prof. Toshiro Tanimoto, Ph.D.
Jonathan Taylor, Ph.D.
Prof. Millie Taylor, Ph.D.

University of Winchester

Musical Theatre

Prof. Tomasz Robert Taylor, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Damiano Testa
Prof. Marion Thain, Ph.D.
Prof. Jan Theeuwes, Ph.D.

VU Amsterdam


Dr. Konstantinos Thomaidis

University of Exeter


Prof. Nicholas Thomas, Ph.D.
Prof. Alexander Thompson, Ph.D.

Ohio State University

Political Science

Prof. Alison Thompson, Ph.D.
Prof. Rochelle Tobias, Ph.D.
Prof. Tony Tong, Ph.D.

University of Colorado

Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Shoichi Toyabe

Tohoku University


Prof. Dr. Stefan T. Trautmann
Prof. George Tsai, Ph.D.

University of Hawaii


Prof. Christine Tsang, Ph.D.
Prof. Massimo Turatto, Ph.D.

University of Trento


Neal Turner, Ph.D.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Sergiu Vacaru, Ph.D.

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Mathematical Physics

Prof. Lev Vaidman, Ph.D.
Prof. Konstantin Vathiotis, Ph.D.
Philippe Vellozzo, Ph.D.

University of Bordeaux


Prof. Carla Vergaro
Dr. Pieter Verstraete

Free University of Berlin

Theatre and Performance Studies

Emanuel Viebahn, Ph.D.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Prof. Salvador Villalpando, Ph.D.
Prof. Lora Anne Viola, Ph.D.

Freie Universität Berlin

Political Science

Prof. Dr. Margarete Vöhringer
Prof. Candace A. Vogler, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Katja Vogt
Prof. Ulrich von Andrian, Ph.D.
Hon.-Prof. Dr. Julia Voss

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Philosophy and Science of Art

Prof. Dr. Fabian Wadsworth

Durham University


Prof. Gimme Walter, Ph.D.
Lile Wang, Ph.D.

Flatiron Institute


Prof. Ian Ward, Ph.D.
Prof. Gabriel Weimann, Ph.D.
Prof. Kenneth Weisbrode, Ph.D.
Prof. Shimon Weiss, Ph.D.


Chemistry and Biochemistry

Prof. Liliane Weissberg, Ph.D.

University of Pennsylvania

German and Comparative Literature Studies

Prof. Henry M. Wellman, Ph.D.
Prof. Paul Werth, Ph.D.
Roger Wesson, Ph.D.

University College London


Prof. Jay L. Westbrook, J.D.
Prof. Robert St. Martin Westley, Ph.D.

Tulane University


Prof. Dr. Timothy Whelan
Dr. Martin Widmer
Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesemann

Universität Göttingen

Medical Ethics and History

Prof. Bethany Wiggin, Ph.D.
Prof. Katherine Wilkinson, Ph.D.

San José State University

Biological Sciences

Prof. Schwartz William Joseph
Prof. Brian Williams

Boston University

Geometry and Physics

Prof. Lars Willnat, Ph.D.
Prof. Eric Winsberg, Ph.D.
Prof. Susan Wolf, Ph.D.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Prof. Jeremy M. Wolfe, Ph.D.

Harvard Medical School


Prof. David Wolff, Ph.D.
Prof. Gregor Fabio Wolkenstein, Ph.D.

Aarhus University

Political Science

Prof. Paul Woodford, Ph.D.
Prof. Amanda Woodward, Ph.D.
YiLong Xu
Prof. Kenji Yajima
Prof. Dr. Amos Yarom
Prof. Gustavo Yepes, Ph.D.

Autonomous University of Madrid

Cosmological Numerical Simulations

Prof. Erina Ytsma, Ph.D.

Carnegie Mellon


Prof. Xin Yu, Ph.D.
Prof. Noam Yuchtman, Ph.D.
Prof. François Yvon, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Andreas T. Zanker

Amherst College


Prof. Dr. Dainis Zegners

Erasmus University

Technology and Operations Management

Prof. Georgia Zellou, Ph.D.
Prof. Matthäus Zepf, Ph.D.
Prof. Daniel Ziblatt, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zitzlsperger
Prof. Dr. Kevin Zollman
Edina Zsupán
Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn

WZB / FU Berlin

Global Governance

Prof. Ariel Zylberman, Ph.D.

University at Albany (SUNY)


Prof. Marek Žukowski, Ph.D.